Individual Counseling

Serving Austin and Texas, in-person and online

Graphic depiction of a single dandelion

Every day, millions of people seek the help of individual counseling in Austin and all over Texas. We get it; life is downright tricky sometimes, and being the social creatures we are, talking to someone is one of the best ways to sort through our thoughts and feelings.

Stress and challenges do not discriminate, and individual counseling provides a safe space where you can speak openly and candidly without worrying about judgment.

Talking about your problems can change how you see yourself, others, or your situation. Therapy is not just about candid talking. It takes a trained, impartial, and skilled therapist to help you see things that may be unconsciously hidden or blocking your view. Whatever your life struggles, we can help you navigate the tough decisions, challenging dilemmas, and painful situations that find their way into your experience.

During individual counseling, we will discuss your barriers and devise creative ways to break through them together. We will assist you in creating lasting solutions to the genuine problems every individual encounters at some point in their life.

Whether you are struggling with being in a high-profile spotlight, facing a relationship problem, infertility, career decisions, co-parenting, or mental health concerns such as anxiety or depression, we will help you connect with coping strategies to manage these emotions through individual counseling.

Benefits of individual counseling

6 ways individual counseling will provide satisfying results

  1. Understand family-of-origin patterns of relating and behaving and how they impact your relationship with others.

  2. Develop communication and socialization skills that help unlock barriers in your relationship to yourself and others.

  3. Gain new tools and insight to manage anxiety and stress.

  4. Improve your ability to put your thoughts and feelings into words to set boundaries, express needs, manage conflict, and manage vulnerable feelings.

  5. Improve self-esteem so that you can trust yourself and feel worthy.

  6. Grow your support system.

Melissa Hargrave leans forward and laughs

Risks of individual counseling.

7 risks of individual counseling in austin, tx

Things may get or feel worse before they improve

Counseling may bring up painful memories. It might disrupt relationships. Because therapy often means focusing on and talking about unpleasant or painful issues, it can cause you to experience uncomfortable or painful feelings, such as sadness, guilt, anxiety, anger, or frustration. Our therapists are trained to help guide you through these complex processes.

Therapy requires change

It might change some of your thinking (such as from “black and white” thinking to being able to see shades of gray in between) or some of your behaviors (in anxiety, you might eventually be asked to do the very thing that scares you). Change is uncomfortable, and all change involves loss, even good change. However, this change can rock your world well with time and support.

You might hear things you don’t want to hear

An essential element of therapy, at least in my opinion, is honesty.  Just as honesty is necessary for the role of the client, the therapist needs to be honest about observations (and questions they are asked) to help one grow.  This might mean being challenged and hearing things that bring up a certain level of discomfort and resistance.

You might not always like what you find

Self-discovery can be challenging. As you look within, explore strengths/weaknesses, and take accountability for who you are as a human being, you sometimes gain insights that are difficult to accept.  The good thing is that complex insights are necessary to understand oneself and what must be done to make appropriate changes.

Some clients develop strong feelings about their therapists

This is especially true in more prolonged therapies. Such feelings are normal, even if sometimes uncomfortable or confusing. Any feelings are possible; the rule for them all is to talk them over with the therapist. We are experienced with this and will help you understand how this is part of your progress.

You might not find the right Therapist right away

It is crucial to find the right therapist – one that you feel comfortable with and has an approach (and the knowledge) to deal with the issues you want to resolve competently. The relationship between counselor and client is a primary factor for the best outcome. Some therapeutic relationships “fits” are better than others. You may get significantly different results with two different therapists.

Therapy is not free, and there is no guarantee that it will work or how quickly it will work

Although the American Psychological Association states, “the average person who engages in psychotherapy is better off by the end of treatment than 80 percent of those who don’t receive treatment at all,” you might be one of the exceptions to this finding. We will minimize this risk by measuring where you are at each session.

During treatment, we will work with you to create lasting solutions built on your strengths and resources to help foster success and the changes you want to see in your life. If you would like support, please reach out!

Let’s work together.

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and I will be in touch shortly! I can't wait to hear from you!