You deserve to be confident and empowered in being your true self

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Join me for deeply transformative, sex-positive therapy for ANYONE who needs to process complex emotions and relationships

so you can get UNSTUCK and live a BIG, BOLD, TOTALLY-YOU LIFE!

Ready to explore your
most fully expressed self?

Does this sound familiar?

On the outside, everything looks great: You’re accomplished, in a great relationship, and are close with friends and family.

But on the inside, you have never felt so alone


Individual Therapy

People are molded by a rainbow of lived experiences. Let’s do the work to identify and understand how various stressors impact your life and relationships and then develop strategies to manage the symptoms!

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Couple / Polycule Therapy

I provide a safe environment for you and/or your partner(s) to explore core issues vital to a healthy relationship and help you establish new ways of enjoying each other. We’ll rekindle your trust, communication, and intimacy to start healing.
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Group Therapy

If you’re ready to be more authentic and vulnerable, this is an affirmative space to be seen and validated. Understanding your relational experience in real time is a powerful opportunity to address the issues that make you feel stuck.
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Melissa Hargrave in a linen shirt, smiling at the camera

Over the years, you have tried to rationalize, fix, and excuse your relationship saying you’re “growing apart,” yet it’s disheartening.

Something doesn’t feel right anymore. You’ve begun to realize you feel like you have a roommate rather than a partnership.

You aren’t alone. Maintaining a fulfilling and loving relationship can be challenging in today's fast-paced environment.

You find yourself wanting more connection, more closeness, just…


You want your relationship to feel alive and engaging, like the both of you are indeed partners, lovers, and friends. You are ready to find and express your needs in a way that brings clarity, healing and renewal to your relationship. To feel desire for your partner in new and exciting ways.

I love helping partners and individuals express themselves in their relationships, sexuality, and throughout their lives.

Whether you want to increase intimacy, recover from breakups, understand desire, explore kinks, or boost confidence, I can help!

Four Reasons why my clients love coming to therapy

1. Asking Questions Is My Superpower:

This isn’t the kind of therapy where I just listen or *gasp* fall asleep. (Seriously! I heard it happens.) While I’m never prescriptive, I do ask a lot of questions! I want to understand where you are now and draw you closer to where you want to be.

2. I Believe You Are The Best Expert On You:

You’ve made it this far because you are smart, empathic, creative, and open-minded. We use your strengths to overcome anxieties, life transitions, and relationship challenges, and build new tools and strategies to help you through life’s obstacles.

3. Queer? Kinky? Vanilla? Trans? Poly? Asexual? Unsure? Bring it! 

No need to waste time educating your therapist or wonder if they’ll understand the dynamics of your polycule. I have lived experience & worked for 15+ years with many intersectional identities. Think you’re more vanilla? All flavors are welcome!

4. I make talking about hard stuff feel normal

My goal is to help people practice being their un-masked self. No need to perform, or “be something” you aren’t: my office is a place to show up and know you are accepted just as you are. Whether you’re talking about an awkward social situation or awkward sex I’ll help you feel comfortable.

Polycule, two men kissing a woman in the middle

Please meet:

the powerful, unappreciated dandelion

The dandelion is the perfect example of what society gets wrong about people.

I grew up thinking a dandelion is just a weed: they ruin lawns, are hard to get rid of, and seem to constantly spread. The only time we like dandelions? When they morph into the fluffy pretty ones that we can blow gently into the breeze.

Here’s the thing…

That’s no longer what I see.

Now, I see something tough, that survives in all kinds of hard situations, and is undervalued and underappreciated.

When we look back in history, our ancestors used dandelions for their powerful herbal qualities of cleaning out the body, helping with kidney, urinary and liver function. Dandelions were used as food, to keep us healthy and heal us. Their yellow flowers and leaves are edible and even Top Chef values their use in a salad.

I know what it’s like to be a dandelion.

It took me years to embrace how strong, tough, and beautiful I am after being told the opposite for so long. Now, I’m on a mission to help others embrace their own true selves and live big bold lives that bring them joy.

Dandelion illustration in black and white

book a consultation call for free and see if i’m right for you.

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